Welcome to our Remote Support Page, Please follow the instructions that Stinn Tech has emailed you to start a remote support Session. If you do not have a Session booked please click the link below to book a appointment or call us 403 601 6281

To download SplashTop SOS click on the download button above this will download Splashtopsos.exe – Please run this file and give Stinn Tech the 9 digit code. If you need assistance with this please ask.
*Please do not start the application more than 10 min before your remote session, the application will not allow connections on a idle computer*

Enter your 9 digit code from Stinn Tech – This will be provided to you in your email.
*Please do not start the application more than 10 min before your remote session, the application will not allow connections on a idle computer*
Remote Support sessions are charged per hour with a 1 hour min. The Technician will take payment upon completing the remote session.
Only allow trusted persons into your system, never allow anyone you do not trust into your computer. Always practice safe online habbits.